Extending Minds, Extending Horizons, Extending Opportunity

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle

Year 8 Options event at University of Liverpool a great success. Members of the Year 8 student body recently attended an intensive day of workshops to help them in decision making in making decisions about the pathways of study they may wish to take in the future.

The options programme was delivered by University of Liverpool personnel. The purpose of the study day was to help students with their options decisions.

The workshops students attended on the day:

The purpose of options and how to make the right choice for you.
Planning for the future
Jobs of tomorrow

Students came away from the intensive day in a better position to make the right choices for themselves.

Speaking after the event, Headteacher of the College, Paul Dickinson said “we not only provide our students with a solid, demanding and intensive curriculum but strongly believe in providing ways, opportunities and events for them to develop as young people confident to make important life decisions for their future.”?