Curriculum Assessment

Formal assessment at KS 3 and KS 4

At Archbishop Beck a College Assessment calendar is in place identifying assessment weeks. The week before the assessment is a Revision Week in class, when students are given revision materials and advised how best to use this to prepare for their assessments. Subject Leaders put together revision information which is distributed to students by Progress Managers and made available to parents/carers through SIMS parent. Following the assessment period, class teachers mark and feedback to students.

At Key Stage 3 students have two formal assessment periods per year. One of these assessments usually takes place in the hall. Students are given an assessment to check their learning of the knowledge, skills and understanding that they have been taught. Students are given a percentage mark for their assessment and they identify whether they are developing, secure or exceeding in each skill. Teachers then identify if a student is on track or below bearing in mind students prior attainment. In addition, on entry to the College Year 7 are given the GL Assessments to provide a baseline.

At Key Stage 4 students have two formal assessment periods per year. These assessments usually take place in the hall in order to help prepare students for taking public examinations. Students are given an assessment to check their learning which will be based upon examination requirements and technique. Students are given a mark and grade for their assessment and they identify whether they are secure or need further development in each skill. Teachers then identify if a student is on track or below bearing in mind the students GCSE target grade which is based upon their Key Stage 2 scores.

All students have the opportunity to go through their assessment and self reflect on their work, setting themselves targets on how to improve. Teachers will also identify ant barriers to learning that a student has. These can include:

      • Attendance
      • Attitude
      • Confidence
      • Homework
      • Independent Study
      • Lateness to lessons
      • Organisation
      • Quality of classwork
      • Lack of detail in written answers
      • Exam Technique

Assessment results are reported to parents. Teachers, Subject Leaders and Progress Managers use information from assessment to put intervention in place as necessary to address any barriers to learning.

Fomal assessment at KS 5

At Key Stage 5 students have three formal assessment periods per year. Following the assessment period, class teachers mark and feedback to students. All students have the opportunity to go through their assessment and self reflect on their work, setting themselves targets on how to improve. Assessment results are reported to parents. Teachers, Subject Leaders and Progress Managers use information from assessment to put intervention in place as necessary. Following the first assessment period any students who are a cause for concern are invited in to discuss their progress, along with their parents and teachers, so that early intervention can be put in place if necessary.

Assessment in lessons

At Archbishop Beck assessment for learning takes place regularly in class in order to check progress and inform planning. This may take different forms, depending on the subject and key stage.  For example, consolidation questions at the start of lessons, quizzes, written and verbal questioning, end of topic tests or essays.

Assessment in books

As part of the College High 5 lesson students will be given response and feedback in line with the departments marking policy. When responding to teacher feedback, students will respond by making improvements to their work in green pen. Students will also been given an effort grade and a numerical value where appropriate such as a percentage or number of marks.

At Key Stage 4, if an exam question or topic assessment is used students should be given a numerical value e.g. 56%, 8/9 marks etc. In addition, GCSE grades may be given where appropriate.