Governing Body

Mr M Daley (Chair)
Mr A Cooper (Vice Chair)
Mr P Stirling (Headteacher)
Mr J Arnold
Mr C Gilbertson
Mrs J Lesbirel
Mrs J Sweeney
Mrs A Woodward

The Role of the Governing Body

The Governing Body of the College has a strategic and supportive role. We work in close partnership with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the school and staff. As a governing body our core functions are: Working with the headteacher, to establish the strategic direction of the College by:
  • Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the college
  • Agreeing the college improvement strategy with priorities and targets
  • Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability by:
  • Appointing the headteacher
  • Monitoring progress towards targets
  • Performance managing the headteacher
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Contributing to college self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity by:
  • Setting the budget
  • Monitoring spending against the budget
  • Ensuring value for money is obtained
  • Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
As a full governing body we have at least three Business Meetings per year – one per term. However much of our business is completed through committees which have specific terms of reference and delegated authority on behalf of the Governing Body. Governors are expected to be a member of at least one sub-committee and attend committee meetings each term as required. A full list of these committees and who sits on them can be found below. Some governors also have a link role with subjects/aspects and meet with staff throughout the year for informal discussions about the subject/aspect, reporting back to the Governing Body. Governors are responsible for the recruitment and appointment of the headteacher and are involved in the recruitment of staff. We also support the school from time to time in less formal ways by attending school performances, Awards Evenings and other events throughout the year. As governors we are expected to conduct our business in a professional manner and to maintain and respect confidentiality at all times. We have thus adopted a Code of Conduct and operate within agreed Standing Orders for the Governing Body.

Types of Governor

Foundation Governors

Foundation Governors are appointed by the schools Founding Body in our case, the Archdiocese of Liverpool as we are a Catholic College. Foundation Governors are required to uphold, and develop the religious character of the school.

Parent Governors

Parents, including carers, of registered pupils at the school are eligible to be elected as governors at the school. Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school by a process of nominations and a ballot if necessary.

Local Authority Governors

The Local Authority appoints LA Governors and any eligible person can be appointed to this role.

Staff Governors

Both teaching and support staff, who are employees at the school, are eligible to become Staff Governors. They are elected by the school staff.


The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body by virtue of his/her office.

Co-opted Governors

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body on the basis that they have the necessary skills to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. All categories of governor are elected or appointed to serve a four-year term of office: governors may serve more than one term of office.

Instrument of Government

1. The name of the school is Archbishop Beck Catholic College. 2. The School was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. The School is to be conducted as a Catholic School in accordance with Canon Law and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Liverpool and in particular:
  • (a) religious education is to be in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline and general and particular norms of the Catholic Church;
  • (b) religious worship is to be in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church;
and at all times the school is to serve as a witness to the Catholic faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. 3. The School is a voluntary aided school in the trusteeship of the Archdiocese of Liverpool and is an exempt charity for the advancement of the Catholic religion in the diocese in such ways being charitable as the Archbishop shall from time to time direct. 4. The name of the governing body is “The Governing Body of Archbishop Beck Catholic College”.
5. The governing body shall consist of:
  • (a) seven foundation governors;
  • (b) two parent governors;
  • (c) the headteacher;
  • (d) one staff governor;
  • (e) one local authority governor.
6. Total number of governors is twelve. 7. Foundation governors shall be appointed and may be removed by the Archbishop of Liverpool (or any other person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction in his name including, where the See is vacant or impeded, the person or persons on whom the governance of the See has devolved). 8. The term of office for every governor is four years. 9. This Instrument of Government comes into effect on 1 April 2019. 10. This Instrument of Government was approved by the Archdiocese of Liverpool on 13 March 2019 and made by order of Liverpool Local Authority on 13 March 2019. 11. A copy of this Instrument of Government must be supplied to every member of the governing body (and any head teacher if not a governor), and the Archdiocese of Liverpool.