Disadvantaged Pupils

The College staff work tirelessly to support disadvantaged students, providing a range of strategies to support students both in terms of teaching and learning and addressing any barriers that need to be overcome. “You have invested heavily in improvements to leadership and teaching. This has led to improved outcomes for all pupils, including those that are disadvantaged. The funds to support disadvantaged pupils have been spent wisely. As a result, the gaps between the progress of these pupils and that of other pupils nationally are diminishing quickly.” Ofsted July 2019 “The school’s use of the additional funding for disadvantaged pupils is more effective than was the case previously, because of strengthened leadership in this area. Plans to ensure the good education of disadvantaged pupils and the actions that support them are precise and their impact is measured and evaluated regularly by governors. Leaders have given great attention to improve the attendance of these pupils. Consequently, the attendance of disadvantage pupils is approaching that of others nationally and the progress that these pupils make is improving.” Ofsted November 2017 The Pupil Premium is additional Government funding provided for students from less advantaged backgrounds. It is for schools to decide how to best allocate the spending of the Pupil Premium. At Archbishop Beck Catholic College we pride ourselves on having an individualised approach of providing all of our students with the support and intervention that they will need to overcome any barriers to learning. An overview of the additional support provided for those students who are eligible for additional Pupil Premium funding can be found in the Pupil premium Strategy. Within College we have a more formal action plan that monitors the support offered to each student.