Emotional Health and Wellbeing

At Archbishop Beck we have a dedicated team of staff who are here to support our students with any issues relating to Mental Health, Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience. We also have links with external agencies who provide support to our students both in and out of the college. We ensure that information is delivered to students through:
  • The curriculum departments deliver factual lessons about how to monitor Mental and Emotional Wellbeing.
  • Enrichment focused sessions covering Self-Harm, Drug and Alcohol abuse etc.
  • Assemblies and Pastoral form time.
  • Student Services
Please see links below for further information and do not hesitate to contact Student Services if you have any concerns.

Mental Health and Wellbeing during Secondary School

As parents and carers, it can be hard to know whether your childs feelings and behaviour are normal or becoming a problem. This is especially during adolescence when young people can feel a great deal of pressure.

The attached documents will help give you advice on approach any concerns and how to keep your child safe online.

Every Mind Matters

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.

Young Minds

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people.


Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

NHS mental health advice

Whether you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines can offer expert advice.

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Whether you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines can offer expert advice.


We offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way, about whatever’s getting to you.


Suicide is something PAPYRUS takes very seriously. If this is how you feel, please give us a chance to help.


Campaign Against Living Miserably.
1) Helping children to recognize, name and experience emotions is key to them developing positive mental health. You may wish to have a daily focus around each emotion to help children to talk about what they feel and look like, situations they occur in and how they make them behave. 2) Challenge your mates for mental health. When we do something outside our comfort zone we can feel a sense of achievement and this lifts our mood. Recently some of the MHST decided to set themselves small challenges. One group decided to challenge each other to go for a short run in the morning and all found that completing it lifted their spirits. Perhaps you could try this as a staff team, or as a whole class activity? 3) Something for parents/carers. Times are very challenging at the moment for all families especially those facing loss of jobs, loved ones and routine. Here is something to support parents/carers to keep an eye on their children’s mental health.

There’s also this resource:

4) Celebrate diversity. There is a selection of resources from mentally healthy schools that could be used across your school over the next couple of weeks.

5) Attached is a social media clip from MYA for you to send out to remind people to look out for one another’s mental health using the simple phrase ‘ Look, Listen, Link’

6) 5 Life Lessons from Dr. Seuss

From everyone at the Liverpool Whole School Approach and Mental Health Support Teams, have a safe and peaceful World Mental Health Day 2020.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

A professional body for counsellors and psychotherapistsin the UK.