Sixth Form Visit to Grant Thornton

On Friday 29th April a group of sixth form students spent the day in the offices of Grant Thornton. The group consisted of students who have an interest in working in the financial services sector at some point in the future.

Grant Thornton is the world’s seventh largest professional services network of independent and consulting member firms which provide assurance, tax and advisory services to privately held businesses, public interest entities, and public sector entities. They are based in the Royal Liver Buildings here in the city.

The group were hosted by Michelle Maple, Grant Thornton s Trainee Recruitment Officer. Michelle was supported by Katie and Jenny.

The group received a tour of the offices and were given a detailed overview of the business and the support it offers to both private and public sector organisations in relation to tax, audit and accountancy.

Students received presentations on Grant Thornton s School Leaver Programme as well as the Graduate Programme. Students had a very enjoyable day with many considering submitting an application to join the organisation in the future.

Archbishop Beck Catholic College would like to thank Michelle for hosting our visit and we look forward to further developing the link between the college and Grant Thornton moving forward.