Behaviour and Attitudes

Behaviour Intent – Positive Relationship Policy and Intent

We believe as a college that good discipline and behaviour is self-motivated and will be encouraged by praise and a positive system of recognition, in addition to consequences for behaviour choices.

At the core of our policy is.’ Respect’ – for ourselves and for others within our community. Respect means tolerance and acceptance for all in the community regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender or disability.

We want to promote a purposeful atmosphere throughout the College which is conducive to effective teaching and learning. We encourage everybody in the College to be calm, courteous, considerate and respect everybody in the College. We encourage all students to be aware of the differences between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. We expect students to take responsibility for their actions and in doing so, develop self-esteem and self-discipline.

Our fundamental belief is that most of our college community behave well with care, respectfulness and consideration. Good discipline is the responsibility of all who are involved in the college and praise, positive reinforcement and the raising of self-esteem will help our students develop self-discipline.

Incidents of inappropriate behaviour should be seen as a learning situation for the student(s) concerned and that it is the behaviour we disapprove of and not the student(s).

What parents can do to support their child’s behaviour

We pride ourselves in fostering positive relationships with the parents/carers of the children who come to out college. This is built on a strong catholic ethos, community and the mutual respect and trust we build with families.

We have strong lines of communication with parents/carers through our platform Arbor, texts/emails or phone calls. Our mission is ‘Only the best will do’ and that is paramount in the culture of behaviour we are promoting alongside our parents/carers.

The commonality we share is wanting what is best for the child and wanting all our students to have respect, make the right choices, display good behaviour – which will all serve to be successful attributes in supporting their academic aspirations.

We politely ask that all parent/carers make appointments to speak to staff through student services and be mindful that you will receive communications back, but to allow up to and no longer than 24 hours to respond.

Rewards and Consequences
In years 7, 8 and 9, students will achieve rewards in the staged approach shown below through the awarding of positive behaviour points on Arbor. At each stage, coloured badges will be issued for students to wear on their blazer as well as some form of communication home and prize.

Each of these stages/badges can be achieved by any student once the indicated threshold is met throughout the academic year and the positive point total remains above that threshold (so negative incidents will impact a student’s ability to achieve a badge.) Badges will be awarded in assembly at the end of each half-term.

Our mantra within the College, is ‘Action, Consequence and Resolution.’ If a student does exhibit unacceptable behaviour or makes the wrong behaviour choices, it has to be followed by a sanction by the teacher/department where the incident happened or the Progress Manger. Resolutions will then follow with all parties who were involved in the initial action, so the issues can be resolved and the behaviours can change.

Archbishop Beck Catholic College ‘Non-Negotiables’

These are our non-negotiables for staff and students:

  1. ‘Great schools don’t leave behaviour to chance.’ Behaviours are explicitly taught through clearly communicated and reinforced social norms and routines.
  2. A culture exists whereby all staff understand they have collective responsibility for maintaining standards of student behaviour.
  3. There is a promotion of positive behavioural norms through an effective rewards culture, not simply the prohibition of unacceptable behaviour through sanctions.
  4. A strong Catholic ethos in which all staff ensure the school is a safe, calm, orderly and supportive environment where all students want to be.
  5. Ensuring strong relationships exist between staff and students, where both feel valued and respected.
Staff Student
Stand in the doorway/corridor to meet your class. Walk calmly to class and hold doors open for everyone – staff, visitors and peers.
Greet pupils positively and check their uniform without fuss. Smile and greet your teachers going into lessons wearing full school uniform.
Check equipment and replace without conflict (discuss at the end of the lesson) Stand behind your chair if your teachers ask you to as you enter the classroom or begin consolidation work and wait for your teacher to direct you.
Complete the register at the beginning of the lesson within the first 10 minutes.  Discuss lateness individually.  If the lesson is before break, lunchtime or end of the day – keep the students behind. Be punctual to lesson and offer an apology if you are late.
Praise students for their hard work and record positive behaviour points on Arbor. Be helpful, work as hard as you can and contribute positively to all lessons. Defiance will not be tolerated.
Check uniform at the end of the lesson. Leave your workspace clean and tidy.
Organise a calm exit from the class and check the corridor. Say thank you as you leave calmly.
Greet pupils on the corridor and check uniform is worn correctly. Look after and be respectful to our college environment.
Internal/external support for Pastoral Care / behaviour – Reflection Room
Students will go to reflection, if a student has been removed from the situation and they need to reflect on their behaviour choices. Referrals to Reflection are to be made from Progress Managers and members of SLT only. Students will spend no longer than two periods in Reflection, reflecting on their behaviour choices.
This is an internal exclusion, which is pre-arranged the day before, through a booking system with the Inclusion Manager/Student Services. Students will undertake timetabled work and spend break and lunch in inclusion. Toilet breaks will be set times throughout the course of the day.
Pastoral Care Structure
The college incorporates a graduated approach to pastoral care. The form teacher is the first point of call for all students and if issues arise. It then graduates in accordance to the needs or the behaviour exhibited.
Form Tutor – Assistant Progress Manager – Intervention Manager (KS3 only) – Progress Manager – Assistant Headteacher – Deputy Headteacher – Headteacher
Uniform/Appearance and Expectations

Students are expected:


  • Arrive for the College Day punctually and be in form tutor rooms by 8.30am.  Be in the right place at the right time through the day.
  • Full school uniform to be worn at all times and all students should have an appropriately sized bag with them at all times, black shoes not trainers and girls should not be wearing make-up or jewellery.
  • Mobile phones and digital devices should all be switched off and inside bags, as they enter through student services of a morning.
  • Exhibit the core values underpinned within out curriculum: Respectful, Confident, Positive, always give your best, Resilient and Motivated.
  • Support a prompt start to lessons, aiding the learning of themselves and others.
  • Be role models to all members of the college community.
  • Attend all lessons with the correct equipment: 2 pens, a pencil, a ruler and a scientific calculator.
  • Have the correct subject specific equipment e.g. PE Kit or ingredients.
  • Have the appropriate aptitude and attitude to learning.
  • ‘Only the best will do’ and that they should always be trying their best.
  • Work independently and show resilience when undertaking more challenging activities and tasks.
  • Expect to make ‘mistakes’ as part of their learning.
  • Complete all homework set and hand it in on time.
  • Adhere to uniform regulations. High expectations in uniform leads to positive learning experiences.