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Student Destinations at Archbishop Beck Catholic College

At Archbishop Beck Catholic College, we take immense pride in our students’ achievements and future destinations. According to recent data published by the Department for Education, our college is performing at twice the national average in supporting young people into apprenticeships, making us one of the top-performing schools in the UK. Below, we present data from the past three years for both Post-16 and Post-18 students. Activity Survey 2024 leavers

Activity Survey 2024 leavers

Archbishop Beck Catholic College – Summary
Employment Education and Training (EET) 179 96.2%
NEET – Active 6 3.2%
NEET – Inactive 1 0.5%
Archbishop Beck Catholic College
Apprenticeship 9 4.8%
Employment with training (other) 1 0.5%
ESFA funded work-based learning 1 0.5%
Further Education 82 43.9%
Not available – young carer 1 0.5%
Other post 16 education 2 1.1%
Other training 6 3.2%
School Sixth Form 78 41.7%
Seeking employment, education or training 6 3.2%

Activity Survey 2023 leavers

Archbishop Beck Catholic College – Summary
Employment Education and Training (EET) 173 98.9%
NEET – Active 2 1.1%
Archbishop Beck Catholic College
Apprenticeship 6 3.4%
Custodial Institution (juvenile offender) 1 0.6%
Employment with training (other) 3 1.7%
ESFA funded work-based learning 2 1.1%
Further Education 62 35.4%
Other training 2 1.1%
School Sixth Form 97 55.4%
Seeking employment, education or training 2 1.1%

Activity Survey 2022 leavers

Archbishop Beck Catholic College – Summary
Employment Education and Training (EET) 182 97.8%
NEET – Active 3 1.6%
NEET – Inactive 1 0.5%
Total 186
Archbishop Beck Catholic College
Apprenticeship 12 6.5%
Employment with training (other) 1 0.5%
ESFA funded work-based learning 2 1.1%
Full time employment with study (regulated qualification) 1 0.5%
Further Education 46 24.7%
School Sixth Form 116 62.4%
Seeking employment, education or training 3 1.6%
Sixth Form College 2 1.1%
Temporary break from learning – Illness 1 0.5%
Traineeship 2 1.1%
Total 186

International Opportunities

Many students in our Sports Coaching Programme can spend extended periods abroad in locations such as the USA, Tenerife, Sri Lanka, and the UAE.

Our Basketball Programme attracts students from across the Northwest and is an integral part of our sixth form. Over the past few years, several students have secured coaching roles and scholarships to universities and junior colleges in the USA.


Our strong apprenticeship partnerships with organisations such as Hill Dickinson, Santander, and the NHS provide valuable opportunities for our students.

      • 2022 – Archbishop Beck Catholic College achieved double the national average in supporting students into apprenticeships at the end of KS4.
      • 2022 – 7% of our sixth-form students secured high-quality apprenticeships (compared to the national average of 5%), while a further 22% entered employment.
      • 2021 – 12% of our sixth-form students successfully gained apprenticeships, nearly double the national average.

Russell Group Universities

In 2024, a significant number of our students are progressing to Russell Group universities, with one student securing admission to Oxford University.

We maintain an excellent relationship with the University of Liverpool, and as part of Gatsby Benchmark 7, all Year 12 students participate in a visit to the university.

LTSB Programme

LTSB (Leadership Through Sport & Business) is a registered charity that helps young people transition into the workplace by offering guaranteed interviews and career support.

We recognise that university is not the preferred path for all students, and some require additional support in accessing quality apprenticeships. In 2024, one of our students, successfully secured a placement at RSM.

LTSB support includes:

      • Tailored one-to-one support
      • CV workshops
      • Interview skills training
      • Mock interviews
      • Team-building activities

The King’s Trust

Through our exclusive partnership with The King’s Trust, we support students with SEND and those who need additional help in building confidence and preparing for the workplace.

This six-week summer programme focuses on teamwork, employability skills, water sports and outdoor activities to help students transition successfully into employment. The King’s Trust continues to provide ongoing support to students beyond the programme.


We actively encourage students to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in sectors such as:

      • Travel agencies
      • Party planning
      • Construction
      • Football and sports coaching

Our commitment to diverse career pathways ensures that every student at Archbishop Beck Catholic College is supported in achieving their ambitions, whether through university, apprenticeships, or self-employment.