The Last Powerful Words!

Congratulations to members of our Junior Public Speaking Society who have had the last word for Public Speaking this academic year.

The Liverpool Catholic Schools Public Speaking contest took place at the college on July 6th.

Mia from year 7 gave a stunning speech on “The most important weapon of an oppressor is the mind of the oppressed”

Mia was narrowly beaten into 2nd place.

Tom also from year 7 gave a rousing speech on “What is Britishness in 2022”

Over 10 schools were represented at this prestigious event. Headteacher Paul Stirling said, “Congratulations Mia and Tom for outstanding success and urged all young people to change the world through their words”.

Judge, Mike Shankland, praised the students adding “It’s fantastic to see Liverpool Catholic schools coming together for an event such as this and the judging panel have been amused, moved and informed by today’s speeches. I urge you all to use your power of speech to change things in your world.’