5 Minute Q & A with Sean Sweeney & Mr Hicks

The college recently had the opportunity to catch up with Sean Sweeney, Alumni of the college. The college has several Alumni who are living, working or studying in the United States of America. From sporting stars to music educators.

Sean is at the present time working as a music educator in the State of Georgia, USA.

He told us a little about his work at his school and what he has been doing since arriving in the USA.

Sean said, “it is a brand-new program that I created in the middle school, 6th-8th grade, chorus classes and guitar classes! (I also occasionally stand in for the Band Director and help with band events). We just had an amazing opportunity to sing the National Anthem with our middle school band at the professional Georgia Lacrosse Team Stadium! It was amazing!

Before I started at Bremen Middle School, I attended the University of West Georgia as a Master’s student where I was employed as a graduate assistant during my time studying!

What do you remember from your time at Archbishop Beck Catholic College?

Attending Archbishop Beck was one of the most memorable experiences of my school life. One of my fondest memories are the band trips that we went on around the world to perform and learn more about music, from Spain all the way to Texas. It was an amazing experience!

What do you most enjoy about your profession?

Being a music educator is amazing and it is filled with wonderful experiences, but the thing I most enjoy about being a Choral and Guitar Director is seeing the students develop their musical abilities and watching their love for music grow! They always start off worrying about performing at the end of the quarter and then when we get there, they are so excited to perform and show everyone what they have learnt!

Finally, many thanks Sean, it has been a delight to reconnect with you. Keep up your great work and keep living out your school motto of “Striving for Excellence in Every Direction” as you did as a student at Archbishop Beck Catholic College and our motto of “Only the Best” Will Do”.