5 MINUTE Q & A WITH Ellie Callagher & MR HICKS

When did you leave Archbishop Beck? 

I left Archbishop Beck in 2015 and studied Psychology at University

What have you been doing since that time? 

I studied psychology at university and graduated in 2018. I went travelling to Australia where I then lived for 2 years.

I then went to New Zealand and lived there for two and a half years. On my return to Liverpool, I have bought a house and I now work in residential childcare. I am still very much interested in Travel, and I am keen to set up my own travel agency business.

What are your memories of your time at the college? 

I loved being at Archbishop Beck and have many happy memories. I loved being in the band. I made the most amazing friends and met the best people. I travelled to Italy, Holland and Spain with the band, one of the best things I have ever done to this day. I still tell stories and reminisce about the memories of those times to this day. The ‘best days’ in school for sure.

When you were younger, what did you want to be? 

I have never really had a solid career path. I just wanted to do as best as I could at school and university. I am a ‘go where the wind takes you’ type of person. If you are successful, then that is all that matters.

What does a typical day look like for you? 

In my current job I work for 2 on (day and night) then 4 days off. I enjoy working in a children’s home supporting them in any way I can. It is rewarding, and I want to help the team give the young people the best start in life. In my spare time I am working on building up my own travel agency business, renovating my new home whilst at the same time looking after myself with a social life, health and gym.

What advice would you give to your teenage self? 

To never compare yourself to others, always put yourself first and make the most of your life. Go travelling when you can because age creeps upon you and believe it or not time goes very fast. Finally, just make the most of every day.

It was a delight to catch up with you Ellie and the old saying “travel broadens the mind” certainly is a theme going through this Q&A. Perhaps a final message could be: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.