Catching Up

On 7th and 8th February, the college community was delighted to catch up with Alumni Rhys Jones.

Rhys is studying for the priesthood at Allen Hall, Chelsea, London. Mr Hicks represented the college at a special event called “A Dining In Event”.

These are held every few months to allow the seminaries to have visits from family and friends.

Mr Hicks was able to stay over and take part in a little of the life of the community.


1630 Spiritual Conference. Theme, The gift of Lent.

1700 Adoration and followed by Benediction 1745.

Evening Meal followed and a chance to meet members of the Academic staff and other members of the community.


0700 Angelus & Mediation

0730 Lauds

0745 Mass, (which was in Latin)

We send Rhys and the community at Allen Hall our prayers and thoughts.


Oh God, hear our prayer for the men you have chosen to follow in your Son’s footsteps.
Teach them humility and fidelity to unselfishly help others.
May their devotion to Our Blessed Mother, Queen of Vocations increase, enabling them to do your will.
Strengthen their prayer life that they may grow spiritually without worldly distractions.
Give them courage and perseverance in their studies.
May the Holy Spirit lighten their struggles with their vocations, until they know the joy of being a priest.
We ask this through Christ your Son.