5 Minute Q & A with Mia Lawson & Mr Hicks

Friday 28 June 2024

Flying High – Discovering the World- The Only Way to Fly

What have you been doing since you left the college community?

I began an apprenticeship with Santander working in a call centre in the banking sector for 3 years, before moving into the aviation industry with Ryanair. After turning twenty, I successfully applied for Emirates. They flew me to Dubai on my 21st Birthday where they offered me accommodation and a lot of great benefits.

What are your memories of your time at the college?

I loved the college and enjoyed being in the Dance Team winning a lot of dance awards.

When you were younger, what did you want to be?

I always wanted to travel. My auntie, who also attended Archbishop Beck, is a cabin crew member working on private air charters. She has been an inspiration. One day, I would like to follow in her footsteps and work on private air charters.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My week started with my first flight out to Düsseldorf. I had a 24-hour layover before travelling back to Dubai. After a day’s rest, I left Dubai and travelled to Hong Kong, where I had 48 hours layover to sightsee. I returned to Dubai then flew out to Pakistan, Bali and Perth, Australia. On my days off we go into Dubai and go to a beach club. Working for Emirates has the advantage of 70% off food and drinks and the club entrance fee.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Always do your best and try every opportunity that is offered to give you experience.


Mia, we send our congratulations to you on your success and in the words of the Emirates Airline, “Be good to yourself- Keep discovering- The Only Way to Fly”.