Former Student Jennifer Smedley Book Release

Former student Jennifer Smedley (September 1990 and June 1995) set up her own publishing company PlantaPress in December 2010

The aim of the company was to publish her first novel Snofjell. The novel is a fantasy fairytale set in Norway, and although it was aimed at 9-13 year olds initially, many adults have enjoyed reading it. Headteacher, Mr. Dickinson recently read the book and commented:

“It was a really fun read and I can see why it has been enjoyed by both children and adults.

Jennifer presented a copy to her former English teacher, Mrs. Monaghan.

Recently a Children’s Literacy Festival was held at Waterstones in Liverpool One. The photograph shows Jennifer (top left) and the other authors at the Festival.

Jennifer commented: “The festival went really well. I gathered all the children’s’ authors I could find, along with my own PlantaPress writers, and we went ahead with the project. We are all hoping to do another one in spring/summer 2013.”

We wish Jennifer every success with her writing as she is hoping to write a sequel to Snofjell.

Snofjell would make a wonderful Christmas present!
