Speak and be Heard!

Liverpool School to represent the North West at National final

For the 3rd successive time students from Archbishop Beck Catholic College have triumphed at the English Speaking Union Competition in Public speaking. The students have successfully made it into the ESU National Final which is to take place in London on the 27th April. They earned the right by winning the North-West regional final!

“Public Speaking at the College has certainly taken off”, said Headteacher Paul Dickinson. He added, “We are immensely proud of our team.”

The competition, which tests the verbal prowess of students, aims to promote the use of English among secondary students to nurture their confidence in public speaking.

The English Speaking Union is an independent, non-political, educational charity with members throughout the United Kingdom, the United States and branches in 50 countries worldwide. Its purpose is to promote international understanding and human achievement through the widening use of the English Language.

Ellis the chairperson of the team was voted ‘Personality’ of the event and also won the ‘Best Chairperson’ award. Ellis speaking after the event said, “It was fantastic and a very interesting and wonderful experience. Everybody was very good and I was really impressed by all of them. This has been a hard fought road, where we have had to win the local final, then the branch final and now we have won the Regional final thus taking us to London. We certainly can now say we have the ‘gift of the gab’!