Debating Competition

On 20th May 2014 Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College, hosted the inaugural Debating Competition between All Saints Primary School and St Francis de Sales Primary school.

Both schools had to prepare a team who would present an argument for and against a specific topic.

St Francis de Sales debated the controversial topic of “Premier League Footballers deserve their huge wages” whilst All Saints debated the hotly discussed local topic “Anfield must be redeveloped, whatever the local impact.”

Both teams were confident and articulate, presenting their arguments clearly and with passion.

The judges, Danny and Lewis praised the students ability to captivate an audience and keep them interested throughout the debate. The questioning from the floor was also challenging.

The judges had a difficult decision but finally agreed on the following outcomes, congratulation to all who took part.

  • Best Speaker St Francis de Sales
  • Best teamwork All Saints
  • Outstanding personality All Saints
  • Year 5 Competition Winners St Francis de Sales