Matilda the Musical (London, July 2014)

On the 12th and 13th July our Chamber Choir went to see ‘Matilda’, a musical adaptation of Roald Dahl’s book ‘Matilda’ at the Cambridge Theatre in London. An amazing show, where we were bombarded with energetic choruses, witty humour and a brilliant set design. The stage was covered in tiles of various bright colours with letters scattered forming words, which crossed over like a Scrabble board.

On the Sunday we went to a special vocal workshop with the Musical Director of the show, where the students were able to learn one of the songs from the show. Added to this we had a visit by one of the cast members who was able to do a Q & A session for us.

After witnessing the horrors of Miss Trunchball’s teaching (in PE particularly), I’m sure we all count ourselves lucky and thankful that ‘the choky’ hasn’t been installed as a form of punishment at the new Archbishop Beck Catholic College campus! . Well not yet at least!

We were all exhausted but completely thrilled with our experience. After some time in Covent Garden, our weekend visit to London drew to a close and we settled back in for the drive back to Liverpool.

Many thanks to our Vocal Director Mrs Newton for organising the trip, our support teachers Mrs Allen, Mr Tratt and Mr and Mrs Hicks.

Such a wonderful production, such an amazing weekend, such fun, when can we do it again!

Question : What was the name of the boy who was forced to eat an entire chocolate cake as punishment by Miss Trunchball?