Supporting Success

On Thursday 30th April, the college held a parental support evening for Year 11 parents. The evening was designed to give parents insight into revision skills and what their son/daughter’s GCSE examinations entail.

Both students and parents welcomed the additional support they received from subject leaders in English, maths and science as they were able to provide overviews of what the examinations involve. It enabled the parents to empathise with students about the nature of GCSE examinations and the pressures they face in trying obtain or exceed their target grades.

Deputy Headteacher, Mr McNulty added, “We run this evening each year, as we have found that parents having knowledge of their child’s GCSE’s really enables them to support their son/daughter fully in preparation for the challenging weeks ahead.”

We at the college, would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Year 11, 12 and 13 students the best of luck with their forthcoming GCSE and ‘A level examinations.

Good Luck!