Curtain Comes Down

Curtain comes down on The Year of Celebration at Archbishop Beck Catholic College

Tears, laughter and ‘good memories’ brought down the curtain on The year of Celebration as the college celebrated in great style with its annual “British Bash” the 13th “Last Night of the Proms”

Hundreds of visitors poured through the doors of the College for this amazing concert and also to say “goodbye” to retiring Director of Music, Bruce Hicks.

The concert featured performances by all of the Colleges award winning ensembles and the Programme was further enhanced by many cameo performances. The concert built to an amazing emotional climax when leaving 6th Formers and the concert band performed “Time to Say Goodbye” with the audience, massed choirs and Band and Piper closing the evening with the traditional “Auld Lange Syne”

Leaving 6th former Rachael fought back the tears as she thanked the college teachers for their hard work, dedication and support over her many years at the college, “I will miss you all”.

Bruce Hicks speaking after the concert summed up the evening by referring to a quote from the movie Mr. Hollands Opus “Playing music is supposed to be fun. It’s about heart, it’s about feelings, moving people, and something beautiful, and it’s not about notes on a page,” adding, “I was very moved by all that the students had done to make this final concert so memorable thank you one and all from the bottom of my heart.”