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Special Mass

A special Mass to celebrate the Dreams and Aspirations of young people in the North end of Liverpool was held on Thursday 7th July 2011 at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool.

Bishop Tom Williams was the main celebrant. The Mass acted as a reminder of the importance of having Dreams and Aspirations in our modern world. Bishop Tom reminded those present that he himself grew up in the “Scotty Road” area of Liverpool but that never stopped him of achieving his dreams and aspirations. He challenged all present to do the same.

During the Mass over 700 primary school pupils were asked to pray for God’s help in all that they do and all that they dream and aspire to be. The Mass was attended by a large number of family and friends of the young people.

The music at Mass was led by students from Archbishop Beck Catholic College and the Cathedral resounded to the joyful singing of the primary school children.

Paul Dickinson Headteacher of Archbishop Beck Catholic College said ”the Mass was an opportunity to gather together and celebrate all that is good about our Catholic education in the North end of the City, a special highlight was when each school brought to the Bishop their box of Dreams and Aspirations cards and lit their school candle. It was a very spiritual and enjoyable gathering of our community of schools.

The schools involved were:

  • Archbishop Beck Catholic College
  • Blessed Sacrament Infants
  • Blessed Sacrament Juniors
  • Holy Name
  • Holy Cross
  • Our Lady Immaculate
  • St. Francis de Sales Infants
  • St. Francis de Sales Juniors
  • St. Johns
  • The Trinity