Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Whilst in Lourdes, students took part in the torchlight procession, Stations of the Cross and visited the places associated with the Lourdes story and life of Bernadette. Students visited the Salle Bernadette cinema to watch the film of the life of Bernadette whilst in Lourdes. On the final night the group visited the grotto, lit candles, said prayers and deposited the petitions that had been given to them by people back at home.
Trip Organiser Dave Postlewaite said “it was a unique experience and has been on offer to our young people for many years; in fact this was the 20th pilgrimage from the College. The group made the 900 mile journey to this small town in southern France with a number of excursions along the way. Mr Postlewaite added this is a unique experience for our students, giving them a chance to see a profoundly spiritual place and we believe that an education at Beck is not just confined to the classroom but one that provides wider life experiences.”
Kelly from Year 10 summed up the experience saying “I never expected it to be as good as it was. It was overwhelming being there and visiting the grotto and taking part in the processions. It was a very enlightening and spiritual experience , this was combined with many social activities that made this a fantastic week for me and my fellow students”.