Mind, Body and Soul

“The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word, and behaviour affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually”. Greg Anderson


A full week of activities for all staff and students designed to support a healthy and active lifestyle.

Walk a Mile

All year groups had the chance to walk for a mile during Form Registration time. Staff also took part with these form classes. The staff mile was well attended, but at a slightly earlier time.

Form Class Activities

All year groups took part in a number of activities, designed to make them think about wellbeing and how they could make small changes to improve their lifestyles.

Form Group Meditation

A small number of form groups had the opportunity to participate in a meditation session led by Mr Postlethwaite and held in the Chapel.

Staff Challenges

Bench presses / hanging and wall sit were the 3 challenges for staff which took place during the lunch break. Tough competition but a good number of staff took part.

Staff Table Tennis

16 staff took place in the knockout table tennis competition on Monday 9th July. A highly competitive competition which was won by Mr Abernethy.

Healthy Eating

All water and fruit was sold at a cost price making them a very popular purchase this week. A range of breakfast and lunch healthy options were also a hit with staff and students.


All the college students and staff were welcomed with music when they arrived in college. It was mostly for all the college community to see the students playing their instruments at such a high standard. The calming music certainly was a great start to the day and many of the students have asked if we can continue with this next year as they found it so relaxing.

Staff Massage

Over 20 staff took the opportunity to have a 15 minute well-being massage from Holistic Therapist Annie Down. The feedback has been so overwhelmingly positive with staff asking if this could be a weekly activity.

Staff gave a cash offering for charity as part of our support for others.

Early Morning Student Activities

Table tennis, football and basketball were all available for students to take part in from 7.30am and this will continue to be on offer as much as possible next September.