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College Ambassador attends Hope University

College Ambassador attends the launch of the Cornerstone, Creative Campus, Hope University

Mr Hicks, represented the college community at this prestigious event. Other invited guests were from the Liverpool Arts community. They gathered to officially launch the Liverpool Hope University’s new look Cornerstone building, following the recent completion of an impressive £2.2 million renovation program. The opening took place on Thursday 7th February at Creative Campus, Shaw Street, Liverpool, L6 1HP.

The Creative Campus is home to the School of Creative and Performing Arts subjects, headed by Professor Steve Davismoon, and this new investment demonstrated the University’s firm commitment to the arts in the city of Liverpool.

Mr Hicks was delighted to be shown around the new facilities, which includes a purpose built Arts Centre featuring fine art studio spaces, a film viewing gallery and exhibition space and new performances spaces. The evening had outstanding performances from areas of the Performing Arts.

Speaking after the event with Headteacher Paul Dickinson, Mr Hicks said, “this was a wonderful evening where we had the chance to network with one of the city’s outstanding academic institutions” adding “it was nice to catch up with Professor Gerald Pillay, Vice Chancellor and Rector  of Hope University and Dr Anne James from the Music Department”.