5 Minute Q & A with Lewis McCormick & Mr Hicks

After leaving the college I went straight to Edge Hill University and am currently in my final year of my biology course, I have also been working part time at Santander.  Whilst balancing my education and my job I have also undertaken coaching to build a business of my own, I am interviewing volunteers, conservationists and organisations making a difference around the world I then share their stories to inspire others to make a difference no matter how small.  I utilised my experience with public speaking and questioning to use that confidence and the various skills I developed to be successful in this new venture.

What do you have hoped to achieved in the next 5 years?

The aim is to complete my final year in university then to go to South Africa and travel around various conservations volunteer and interview people in person. Working with animals is something I have had a passion for since I was a child it has now developed into making a difference around the world and inspiring others to do so to.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day for me involves waking up around 6am going to the gym, meditating followed by sending emails to various people around the world in the hopes of pursuing an interview.  I then usually go to my university library, write up my notes / revise and do my best to stay on top of my university work.  I then wind down, write some notes up and read a book.

What is the latest book you are reading?

Right now I’m currently reading ‘The Miracle Morning’ by Hal Elrod.

What is your all-time favourite movie?

My all-time favourite movie has got to be ‘Labyrinth.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

The advice I would give my teenage self would be to push for your dreams no matter how impossible they may seem to other people.