5 Minute Q & A with Kerry Gibbons & Mr Hicks

What does a typical day look like for you?

I get up in the morning and drop my little boy (Alex, 4 years old) off at nursery. I get the ferry over from the Wirral to Liverpool. I run 2 miles to my office which is located next to the Catholic cathedral in the city centre. I work 9am-5pm for an organisation called the Clinical Research Network. We are funded by the NIHR and form part of the NHS. My job there is a portfolio research facilitator. I help to bring new clinical trials to the North West Coast, and help to monitor the performance of those trials, making sure they deliver to time and target. Our aim is to get as many people taking part in clinical research as we can – improving the health of our region. After work I meet my parents at the ferry terminal where I collect my little boy and we get the ferry home together. Once home we play with our guinea pigs, have showers and our tea, snuggles on the sofa, then its story time and bed time. Wake up next morning – repeat!

When you were younger what did you want to be?

Actress / clinical psychologist / academic researcher.

What is the latest book you are reading?

The Phillip Pullman Dark Materials trilogy.

What is your all-time favourite movie?

Lord of the Rings trilogy.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

Everything will work out the way it is supposed to.

When did you leave Archbishop Beck Catholic College?

I left 6th Form in 2006 and still miss it!

What have you been doing since that time?

Working in various clerical and clinical roles within the NHS. Completed my undergraduate degree in Psychology BSc (Hons) 2:1 at The University of Liverpool and my MSc in psychological research methods with The Open Univerisity. I also became a mummy!

What do you have hope to achieved in the next 5 years?

I have considered seeking out a funded PhD position with a local univerisity.