5 Minute Q & A with James Zammit-Garcia & Mr Hicks

What does a typical day look like for you?

I get up at 5am, change baby and then get my self ready for work. I leave around 06:45 and get to work for 7ish where I print all my resources answer my emails then off to teach.

I return home about 4pm bath the baby eat dinner then bed where I plan and mark etc.

When you were younger what did you want to be?

Either a teacher or a barrister.

What is the latest book you are reading?

The Rule of Law by Lord Bingham.

What is your all-time favourite movie?

Top Gun.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

Revise, work hard and reap the rewards later.

When did you leave Archbishop Beck Catholic College?


What have you been doing since that time ?

A bachelors degree in laws; Senior litigation executive; Post graduate certificate in education; Teaching.

What do you have hope to achieved in the next 5 years?

I hope to be well into my career with steps on the SLT ladder.