Testing, Testing and more Testing – Working together for Everyone’s Safety

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Edward Everett Hale

Since the College has started to fully reopen, on 8th March, 2021, we have commenced a full programme Covid Testing for all students and, if required, staff. Each test takes the form of a Lateral Flow Test. These are used with students who are asymptomatic (don’t show any Covid symptoms) and involve a nose and throat swab.

All students whose parents/carers have given permission will receive a test, wait for 20 minutes for their result and then continue on to class.

The College is very fortunate to have a team of retired/semi-retired nurse practitioners to undertake the testing. The vast majority of students have completed the test without any concerns, especially as many have been tested previously. However, there have been some students who have been understandably quite nervous. The nurse practitioners have shown great care and supported the students who have had concerns.

Headteacher, Paul Dickinson “praised the young people in our community, the nurse practitioners and the College staff who have co-ordinated this very challenging logistical process”. Adding ”this shows our community has come together to work to ensure that we have a happy and, most importantly, safe campus”

By Thursday, 11th March, over 1000 tests have been taken. All the tests have been negative so far. All students will be tested three times before being give home test kits to complete the tests at home in the future. Further information on home test kits will be sent out before the Easter break.