Parent Teacher Association

We are very fortunate at the College to have a PTA that is such an integral part of the college community.
It is much more than just fundraising… the PTA exists to provide closer links between home and college, and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially, in support of the college, working towards a common goal. And it’s fun! Just ask any of the PTA Committee!
The PTA have made donations towards:
- School equipment for various departments.
- Refreshments and support for various school events.
- Transport to and from performing arts competitions.
- Costumes for performing arts department.
- E-vac chair for the school.
- College Lourdes trip.
- Plus to numerous students that require additional educational resources.
Meet the PTA:
- Chair – Helen Bailey
- Treasurer – Marion Fearnley
- Secretary – Janine O’Brien

PTA Meetings
Our PTA strives to establish a supportive and encouraging community for the entire college.
At our meetings you will find out what we have achieved over the past year and what we aim to do in the coming year by way of fundraising and events.
It is also a chance to find out a bit more about another aspect of college life and to meet other parents. You are already a member; you could choose to play an active part in future events. By volunteering to help the PTA, you’ll be able to use whatever skills you have for a noble cause. Even if you can’t commit to coming along to meetings but would be interested in helping out at events or if you have fundraising ideas that you could help us with or you just fancy a chance to view our college, you are more than welcome!

As parents, you are AUTOMATICALLY a member of the PTA… your voice counts.
Our PTA depends on a continual cycle of parental involvement. As children reach their final year and leave, so do their parents. The teachers and head support us when possible, but without all your support, we have no PTA – WE REALLY DO NEED YOU!
The PTA is a mixture of parents that work together for the benefit of Archbishop Beck Catholic College. Some are full-time parents, some work part-time or full-time. NONE of us are specialists in fundraising. Below is a list of 10 reasons why helping the PTA will greatly improve yours and your child’s experience of college.
1. You are vital to the success of the college
- Schools and colleges are becoming more and more dependent on their PTAs for funds.
2. It’s TOTALLY flexible!
- There are a variety of small ways you can help and be involved – from designing a poster, cleaning up after an event, asking your employer for donations…so many ways. Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help the PTA is invaluable. If everyone could spare 30 minutes a term to help, just think what we could achieve!
- You don’t have to attend PTA meetings – you can use our contact details to send in ideas for discussion.
3. You’ll feel more connected
- There’s no better way to know what events are being planned, have your say or make new fundraising suggestions, than by offering your help and support.
- You’ll get to know teachers and support staff on a more familiar basis.
4. You’ll be part of a great network
- Every PTA event is an opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you. You will be part of a like-minded network of people who all share a common goal of improving the college for all our children.
5. Make a difference
- Our activities can give students opportunities they may not have previously had.
6. We’re not just for mums!
- It’s important to our PTA, our college and our pupils to have dads represented on our committee and to help reach out to other dads. Are you a dad with a skill that would come in useful?
7. Be a role model.
- By getting involved with our PTA, you’ll show your children that not only are they important to you, but their education is as well. Your children will see you playing an active part in making their education more varied. Getting involved illustrates good teamwork and community spirit.
8. What the PTA does affects every parent (and pupil)
- Your voice matters – the PTA is made up of people elected to represent you, so help us to do this effectively.
9. Its fun!
- Help plan fun events, socials and get-togethers. Suggest NEW fun ways to raise funds. Get your whole family involved!
10. Finally…
- Our children are only at college for a relatively short time. PTA events such as Bingo, quizzes and other social events, will be remembered fondly by our children for a lifetime.
- The equipment and resources the PTA helps fund, make learning even more engaging. Help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.
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