
Lost Minutes = Lost Learning

We want all students to have outstanding punctuality records. Being on time to school each morning and on time to each lesson gives students the best chance of succeeding and helps form good habits for later life. There is a clear link between attendance & punctuality and attainment in school.

Government statistics have highlighted the importance of punctuality with evidence pointing out that the higher the number of lessons missed in Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, the lower the level of attainment of students.

The figures showed that 83.7% of students with excellent attendance & punctuality records achieved grades 9-4 in English and Maths whereas only 35.6% of students with poor attendance and punctuality records achieved the same 9-4 grades at GCSE.

If you are 5-minutes late each day, this equates to you missing approx. 3 days per year, which is approximately 16 lessons missed per year

If you are 10-minutes late each day, this equates to you missing approx. 6 days per year, which is approximately 32 lessons missed per year

If you are 15-minutes late each day, this equates to you missing approx. 9 days per year, which is approximately 48 lessons missed per year

If you are 20-minutes late each day, this equates to you missing approx. 12 days per year, which is approximately 63 lessons missed per year

If you are 30-minutes late each day, this equates to you missing approx. 18 days per year, which is approximately 95 lessons missed per year

It is also estimated that 17 days missed from school per year will result in 1 whole grade being dropped in a student’s GCSEs.

These figures clearly highlight the importance of excellent attendance & punctuality and at Archbishop Beck Catholic College we strive to uphold high standards of punctuality for all our students. Our new Punctuality Policy can be viewed here, and this outlines the expectations we have of staff, students, and parents/guardians. It also explains the escalation process for students who fail to meet the expectations as well as the rewards available to those with excellent punctuality.


Further support for matters relating to attendance & punctuality can be found in the links below…

Young Minds is the UK’s leading young person and children’s mental health charity and their website offers fantastic support for students and parents in all aspects of mental health and well-being as well as specific advice on dealing with anxiety and school refusal.

The Children’s Commissioner aims to hear from children and young people across the country and the website offers a wide range of resources and reports relating to school issues.
Students may find the BBC Bitesize website useful to help catch-up on any missed school-work as they endeavour to improve their attendance & punctuality records.
Gingerbread is a registered charity that offers a range of support for single parent families including a helpline number.
Action for Children is a registered charity working towards improving life for children in the UK whose website offers an online parenting hub to provide advice and support for parents.