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Sacrament of Confirmation

Letter from the Archbishop of Liverpool
Dear parent/guardian,

The Archdiocese of Liverpool is inviting young people in year 8 (and above) to receive the sacrament of confirmation.

Confirmation is a sacrament through which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us stronger and more perfect Christians and true witnesses of Jesus Christ.

The preparation for the sacrament will begin in school with an introduction to the sacrament from Animate, the archdiocesan youth ministry team.

Alternatively your child may be asked to watch four short introductory videos at  Playlist –  ‘Confirmation Called …’.

Year 8 pupils will then study the subject of confirmation in their RE classes.

After the registration deadline has passed your child will be invited to preparation sessions in your local area (parish / deanery).

Following these local preparation times young people will be invited to be confirmed.

If your child would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation this year it is essential they register online at:

Registration must take place before Monday 17th March 2025

Please complete the form that can be accessed through clicking the button at the top right-hand side of the webpage (‘Register for Confirmation’). If you are unable to do this at home please inform the school chaplain who will be able to help.

When the website has closed on Monday 17th March 2025, your child will be contacted by your local confirmation co-ordinator who will take you through the next steps of the preparation process. Please note that you will not be contacted before the Monday 17th March 2025 – when the website closes. Many parishes may only contact individuals after Easter.

More details about the preparation scheme can be found on the website or at

Parishes will run their preparation at different times and in different ways so you should speak to your own parish priest if you have questions about meeting dates and venues.

If you have any questions about the programme as a whole, please contact Fr Simon Gore on

Yours sincerely,

Archbishop of Liverpool

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Mother Teresa

“Adveniat Regnum Tuum”
(Motto of Archbishop Beck)