Sixth Form Application

Data protection: the college is legally required to pass on certain information to service providers on request. This information includes the name and address of the student and parent, and any further information relevant to the youth support service’s role. However, parents or the student themselves (if aged 16 or over), can ask that no information beyond name and address be passed on (the youth support service is the government’s support service for all young people aged 13 to 19 in England. It also provides support up to the age of 25 for young people who have learning difficulties or disabilities (or both).


Do you give your consent for your information to be provided to youth support service?

Data protection *

Your gender *

Do you use an epipen? *

Ethnic origin: please state *

Is English spoken at home? *

The main language spoken at home *

Country where you were born *

Your religion: please state *

Meal arrangements *

Biometrics with finger recognition? *

How will you travel to college? *

Photo permission for college publicity? *

Are you entitled to exam concession? *

Do you have special educational needs? *

Have you read the college rules *

Have you read the uniform regulations *

Are parents in the armed services? *

Are parents former armed services? *

Are you a registered carer? *

Do you want registered carer info? *

Are you in public care? (looked after)? *

A Level Subject Options *

Vocational Subject Options *

12 + 7 =