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College Uniform

The college requires that every student should wear a uniform to maintain a high standard of appearance that will stand each student in good stead with employers in the future. The wearing of appropriate dress for physical education and games and various practical subjects is also required.

Every effort has been made to minimise the cost and items can be purchased direct from college or obtained from most clothing outlets.

The following items are available from the College’s own, on site, school uniform shop and is worn all year round.

The uniform requirement for Years 7 – 11 is as follows:


  • The maroon college blazer with embroidered badge: this item is compulsory and can be purchased from college for £35:00
  • The maroon cardigan with embroidered badge: this item is compulsory and can be purchased from college for £22:00
  • White open neck revere blouse: this item is generic but compulsory, and can be purchased from numerous clothing outlets
  • Grey skirt / pinafore (any sensible style). Knee length skirts / pinafores only: this item is generic but compulsory, and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Grey socks: this item is generic but compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Black leather shoes are the only acceptable footwear. This means that coloured/embroidered fashion shoes, boots or shoes with high heels or insufficient support must not be worn. This item is generic but compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets


  • The maroon college blazer with embroidered badge: this item is compulsory and can be purchased from school for £35:00
  • The maroon college V-necked jumper with embroidered badge: this item is compulsory and can be purchased from school for £22:00
  • White shirt and school tie: these items are compulsory, ties can be purchased from school for £5:00, shirts can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Charcoal grey or black trousers (no denim or cords) this item is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Grey socks: this item is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Black leather shoes are the only acceptable footwear. This means that coloured/embroidered fashion shoes, boots with insufficient support must not be worn. This item is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets

PE Kit for Years 7-11

The PE Kit is compulsory and is exclusively available from the college £36:00


  • Short sleeve shirt (maroon with college crest)
  • Shorts (black)
  • Socks (black)
  • All students will need training shoes (not black soles) which can be purchased from most clothing outlets


  • Short sleeve shirt (maroon with college crest)
  • Shorts (black)
  • Socks (black)
  • All students will need training shoes (not black soles) which can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Football boots and shin guards may be required which can be purchased from most clothing outlets.

PE Kit for Years 7-11

The PE Kit is compulsory and is exclusively available from the college £36:00

Sixth Form Uniform


  • The black college cardigan with embroidered badge: this is compulsory and can be purchased exclusively from the college for £25:00
  • White blouse item is compulsory and can be purchased form most clothing outlets
  • Black skirt/trousers this item is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Black socks/tights this is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Black polishable sensible shoes


  • The black college jacket with embroidered badge: this is compulsory and can be purchased exclusively from the college £30:00
  • White shirt and black tie this is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Black trousers this is compulsory and can be purchased from most clothing outlets
  • Black polishable sensible shoes

Pre-loved School Uniform and PE Kit

We offer a range of pre-loved uniform and PE Kit for sale at the College. This is to provide more affordable options to parents and carers and to ensure that we limit the environmental impact from our uniforms. All items received are professionally dry cleaned before being put on sale. Only garments that are in ‘good or better’ condition are put on sale.

All items and stock levels can be found by email:

  • This service is only available as a result of kind donations made by parents and carers. If you have any items of current college uniform that is in good or better condition, please drop them into reception.

Students are responsible for their own belongings. The college will not be held responsible for loss, damage or theft of belongings. Parent/carers are strongly advised not to purchase expensive branded coats for their children to wear to and from the college.

Outdoor coats are not allowed to be worn in the college building.

Other Equipment

  • All students should have a bag (big enough to hold an A4 document)
  • All students should have stationery including pens, pencils, ruler, eraser, sharpener, and colouring pencils. (Stationary can be purchased on site)
  • A college planner will be provided to all students Yr. 7-11.

Please note: Jewellery other than small earrings is not allowed in college. Any inappropriate jewellery will be confiscated straight away and returned to the student at the end of the day.

Nail varnish, acrylic nails or shellac nails and excessive make up are not permitted and students will be asked to remove them. Strong or excessive hair colour or styles (including hair that covers a students’ eyes) are not permitted.

Students who continue to wear inappropriate jewellery will have this confiscated and it will not be returned until the end of term.