Together for the COMMON GOOD

“We need to build communities of Trust, Friendship and Solidarity.” Jenny Sinclair

The Common Good Project has been a powerful group of likeminded people that has met throughout the year to promote a greater understanding, participation and solidarity amongst the many faith groups in Liverpool.

The main focus has been a cultivating of good relationships with all faith groups. Numerous events, seminars and meetings have taken place throughout the year. The last few events of the year saw a group of visiting teachers from numerous parts of Italy come to Liverpool. They recently came to the college to see, meet and gain some further knowledge of the education in Liverpool and how we have all worked for the “common good”

The college was also represented at the Evensong Service at St Columbia’s Church, Anfield which brought to a close our year of working together. Many thanks to Ellie, Megan and Jon-Joe.

Our picture shows our students with Jenny Sinclair, co-ordinator of the “COMMON GOOD” project.

Jenny is the daughter of former Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, David Sheppard, who along with his catholic counterpart, Derek Warlock provided inspirational leadership for ecumenism in Liverpool in the 80’s. They were known as an effective partnership that put people first. They indeed were working for the “common good”.