Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck Visits College

On Friday, 18th May, a glorious sunny day, a very special visitor arrived at Archbishop Beck Catholic College. Fr Chase Hilgenbrinck from Illinois, USA, visited college with a very special message for the youngsters!

To fulfil their lives, they needed Christ at the centre of all they do and say. He shared his story of how he was a footballer in the Chilean League were he was very popular and worked to achieve his success both on and off the field. As time went by he felt the success on and off the field was leaving him less than satisfied. After realising his call in life to become a priest he returned home and trained to serve as a priest in Illinois. He now feels that he is totally fulfilled by his priestly ministry. He enjoys sharing his faith and life with those he comes into contact with.

Fr Chase spoke, and gave a heartfelt witness, to the Year 7 students in a special assembly. The youngsters listened intently and asked many questions about his life and life style since leaving professional football. The rest of the morning session was spent sharing his football skills. A group of Year 8 students joined in and thoroughly enjoyed Fr Chase s company. A wonderful day was had by all.

A Big thank you to Fr Chase for joining us and sharing his life experiences with us. Another Big thank you to Fr Sergio from Blessed Sacrament Parish Church for organising Fr Chase s visit. We look forward to Fr Chase returning to visit us next year.